Smaller Projects
Devtools is a small app for converting between JSON and YAML or between JSON and CSV
Senp-ui is a simple component library for nuxt3 with the intention of being used via nuxt extends (it powers this site!)
Twittify is a small Twitter clone made with Crudify
Fleurdle is a wordle clone with the option to use N-letter words and the option to create puzzles
T3dium is a quick dynamic blog made to test out the T3 stack (currently down)
Curvy Spline Editor
Curvy Spline Editor is a UI for editing splines from Tim's curvy package
Noise is an old school project with perlin-noise based animated backgrounds and a player for 3 auto-generated midi tracks
FFMpeg Utils
FFMpeg Utils is a video and image format converter using the ffmpeg wasm module
UI Pad
UI Pad is a UI playground that supports rendering many views at different sizes with TailwindCSS as a CSS framework (from before they made tailwind play!)
Math Pad
Math Pad is a Math playground that supports basic TeX and markdown
UI Pad v2
UI Pad v2 is a work in progress (well... was a work in progress) iteration on UI Pad succeeded by the SenpUI playground
Minecraft Test
Minecraft Test was a way for me to try out some 3D rendering / physics in JS
Tweet Replacer
Tweet Replacer was a small project for a friend who wanted to obfuscate her twitter posts by replacing all characters as asterisks or base64 encoding the tweet content